Holding the first workshop on new methods of brain imaging, especially fMRI

12/10/2018 12:00:00 AM

The first session of the series of workshops "Introduction to New Methods of Neuroimaging, especially FMRI" on Saturday, December 17 at 14-12
The second floor of the nuclear research institute was held.

The sessions will be held every two weeks, on Saturdays and at the same time. The workshop is theoretical and practical, with the aim of learning how to analyze MRI images from beginner to advanced levels.

If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please refer to the following address:




Instructor: Dr. Saman Rasaei Kashk

Doctor of Medicine from the University of Tehran and Doctor of Neuroimaging from Australia


تاریخ بروز رسانی:   20 خرداد 1399

Visit Count:   1


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