News and Events





·         Proud hosting of the International Nuclear Medicine Webinar by the Head of the Bushehr Nuclear Medicine Research Center "Professor Majid Assadi" about the transition phase of the corona virus



·         In the second edition of the International Nuclear Medicine Reference Book, entitled Clinical Nuclear Medicine, Professor Majid Assadi  re-recorded his collaboration with Springer International Magazine.





·         News published by Bushehr Persian Gulf Nuclear Medicine Research Center "Comprehensive Guide to Medical Action in Radiation Incidents"





·         Once again, the name of Bushehr Medical Sciences is written by the United States





·         Vice President for Science and Technology visits Bushehr Nuclear Medicine Research Center





·         Experts of Pars Isotop Company visit Bushehr Comprehensive Nuclear Medicine Center





·         Holding the first workshop on new methods of brain imaging, especially fMRI





·         Another honorary title of a young Bushehr scientist; The International Nuclear Reference Book has been published by Professor Majid Asadi






·         Active participation of the Persian Gulf Nuclear Medicine Research Center in the Annual

Congress of the European-German Nuclear Medicine




·         Hold a lecture session on fluorescent imaging applications




تاریخ بروز رسانی:   22 خرداد 1399

Visit Count:   1


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University Affiliation Address:
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بوشهر، بوشهر ، ایران
Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran