Animal Imaging



HiReSPECT device:
The device is a small animal imaging system that provides high-resolution 3D and 2D images of the physiological function of laboratory animal organs. The device works by injecting radiopharmaceuticals into an animal intravenously, and then the device uses its detector system to take a number of images of mice. A computer software then uses the data to produce the final images. This device can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs.
When medications, especially radioactive drugs, are produced for imaging or treatment, pre-clinical procedures and testing on laboratory animals must be performed before clinical use.
Animal sputum system can be used for basic research in the production of radiopharmaceuticals for imaging and treatment of tumors, neurology, cardiology, oncology and immune systems. With this imaging system, all drug research centers can achieve high speed and accuracy in their research.

After a short break (in order to distribute the material in the circulatory system), the animal is transferred to the device for imaging. The animal pet device is designed and built to capture small animals such as mice and rats. The system estimates the metabolic and physiological function of the animal's body by estimating the distribution of radiotherapy in the animal's body. Images of this system can be used to diagnose, evaluate, and evaluate the progress of tumors, lesions, and organ function.

• Laboratory Animal Surgery
• Tissue Engineering Laboratory
• Animal Welfare Department
• Micro-CT imaging machine (coming soon)
• Small Animal Ventilator.

Small animal PET machine:
Pet scans, nuclear medicine imaging, are designed to produce three-dimensional images of functional processes within the body and consist of several thousand small detectors that emit gamma rays produced by the destruction of electron and positron pairs from inside a patient's body or mouse. Reveals. In this system, a short-lived radioactive element that is broken down by the production of positron and injected into the body of a mouse.

Molecular Fluorescent Cutting Machine for Small Animals:
Molecular fluorescence cutting systems can be used to detect small animals in research and clinical areas, to identify metabolic pathways, tissue structure, and to study small animals. In this type of imaging, the aim is to study at the molecular and even sub-molecular level non-invasively and without harming the living organism. The capabilities of this type of imaging can be used to diagnose and even treat some diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. It can also be used to improve treatment methods and optimize medications in pre-clinical trials and then in clinical trials.

Computer imaging machine for small animals:
This device is a kind of three-dimensional imaging method using X-rays. This device is very similar to a human CT scan, except that it is smaller in scale with higher resolution. The X-rays produced vary in intensity depending on the type of tissue or material they come in contact with. Tissue that strongly absorbs X-rays appears white, while other tissues appear black. Samples with a diameter of about 200 mm can be photographed in pixel sizes up to 100 nanometers.

تاریخ بروز رسانی:   26 خرداد 1399

Visit Count:   2


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University Affiliation Address:
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بوشهر، بوشهر ، ایران
Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran