Research projects


Recent research projects:

 Quantitative evaluation of radionuclide absorption using SPECT animal imaging system in_vivo.
 Quantitative evaluation of renal impairment using SPECT animal imaging system in rat model.
 Study of effects*** in reducing ischemia induced injuries and repetitive injury on performance parameters and renal blood flow using  SPECT imaging technique.
 Study of rat kidney volume by scan performed by animal SPECT and comparing it with actual size.
 A quantitative evaluation of the accuracy of the HiReSPECT imaging system in the phantom environment.
 Study of protective effects*** in the model of acute renal artery injury induced by ischemia and reperfusion in rat, quantitatively using a system of imaging.
 Evaluation of effective parameters on animal SPECTimaging.
 Evaluation of renal improvement by Tc_DMSA in animal model of renal impairment due to ischemia and reperfusion.
 Evaluation of the activity and time needed to absorb radiopharmaciutical in rat kidney scan using DMSA_99mTc.
 A blockade of alpha _1 adrenergic receptor in preventing renal toxic effects due to.
 Evaluation of protective effects on pulmonary fibrosis induced by Bilomycin by measuring oxidative and inflammatory factors in lung and plasma tissue in rats.
 Evaluation of protective effects on structural, functional and oxidative damage of the kidney following unilateral ureteral obstruction in rats.
 Investigating the protective effects on acute renal artery injury induced by ischemia and reperfusion in rats.
 Investigating the effective factors on the absorption rate of Tc99m radio active material in experimental animals.
 Measurement of dose rate due to environmental gamma radiation in Bushehr city.
 Investigating and comparing the performance of image reconstruction fillers in the quality of image from animal SPECT.

تاریخ بروز رسانی:   26 خرداد 1399

Visit Count:   1


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University Affiliation Address:
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بوشهر، بوشهر ، ایران
Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran