12/18/2013 Nuclear medicine Ahmadzadehfar - Nuclear Medicine Information Harvard University - 18FDG-PET and PET/CT Image Atlas Medical Atlas - Scintigraphy of the Paediatric Skeleton Singh - NucRadShare University of Virginia - PET/CT Basics Williams - Nuclear Medicine on the Internet Radiology Albert Einstein Medical Center - LearningRadiology.com Cornell University - C.R.E.A.T.E Johns Hopkins University - TeamRads Lloyd-Jones - Radiology Masterclass UMDNJ - StudentPACS University of Virginia - Basics of Ordering and Interpreting Chest Radiographs University of Virginia - Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Abdomen University of Virginia - Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Chest Tutorial University of Virginia - Introduction to Abdominal Plain Radiographs University of Virginia - Introduction to Conventional Cardiac Radiography USUHS - Chest X-Ray Review Wayne State University - Radiologic Anatomy Borgbjerg - Imaging Anatomy EDUCATIONAL LINKS : Treatment of thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/thyroid-cancer/treating/radioactive-iodine.html Treatment with lutealium-177 PSMA in prostate cancer: https://bookinghealth.com/programs/treatment/nuclear-medicine/prostate-cancer-with-metastasis-lutetium-177-psma/germany Accepted for treatment with Lotusium-DATATATE: https://www.docrates.com/en/en-new-experimental-radioactive-lutetium-treatment-may-significantly-aid-the-treatment-of-advanced-prostate-cancer Tumors of the nerves and glands: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20553194/ Treatment of children with I-MIBG 131: https://eanm.org/publications/guidelines/gl_radio_ther_benzyl.pdf
Nuclear medicine
Treatment of thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine:
Treatment with lutealium-177 PSMA in prostate cancer:
Accepted for treatment with Lotusium-DATATATE:
تاریخ بروز رسانی: 22 خرداد 1399